Category: Contracts and Guidance

  • Contract Owner Engineer EJCDC

    Contract Owner Engineer EJCDC

    EJCDC contracts are widely used in the construction industry. Understanding the specific provisions of these contracts can help you manage risk and protect your interests.

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  • Design-Build LOL White Paper

    Design-Build LOL White Paper

    Design-build projects present unique risks and challenges. This white paper provides insights into the legal and operational risks associated with this delivery method.

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  • EJCDC Contract Case Studies

    EJCDC Contract Case Studies

    Learning from real-world examples of contract disputes can help you avoid similar issues. These case studies provide valuable lessons on contract interpretation and dispute resolution.

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  • Executive AE Contract Agreement School

    Executive AE Contract Agreement School

    Effective contract negotiation and management are essential for A/E firms. This resource provides guidance on negotiating favorable terms and mitigating risks.

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  • Risky Words

    Risky Words

    Certain contract language can increase your risk exposure. Understanding these “risky words” can help you avoid potential pitfalls.

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  • SmartRisk Contract Checklist

    SmartRisk Contract Checklist

    A comprehensive contract review checklist can help you identify and address potential risks before signing a contract.

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  • SmartRisk Good Bad Contract Language

    SmartRisk Good Bad Contract Language

    Learning to distinguish between good and bad contract language is essential for drafting and reviewing contracts. This resource provides guidance on best practices for contract drafting.

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  • AIA 201 Contractor Modifications

    AIA 201 Contractor Modifications

    Understanding how to modify AIA Document A201 contracts effectively is crucial to managing project changes while minimizing risk. This resource provides guidance on the process and potential pitfalls.

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  • Can Construction Observation Help Reduce Project Risk?

    Can Construction Observation Help Reduce Project Risk?

    Construction observation can play a significant role in identifying and addressing potential risks early on. This resource explores the benefits of implementing a robust construction observation program.

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  • CM At-Risk Contract

    CM At-Risk Contract

    A CM-at-risk contract places significant responsibility on the construction manager. Understanding the terms and conditions of this contract type is essential to mitigate risks and ensure project success.

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