Category: Webinars

  • Contract – You Get What You Negotiate

    Contract – You Get What You Negotiate

    Contracts is an important component of a firm’s risk management program. Firms take on more risk accepting unfavorable contract terms. This training addresses the main purpose of a contract, where firms get into trouble, and tips for preparing and negotiating a fair contract agreement. 

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  • Major Causes of Claims – Pro5 Risk Assessment Results

    Major Causes of Claims – Pro5 Risk Assessment Results

    Based on risk assessments of 200 design firms, this session identifies claim trends and the major causes of litigation. Risk assessment evaluates the root causes of problems that lead to litigation. The session also provides recommendations for mitigating future risk and liability exposures.

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  • Top Risk for A/E Firms – Staffing

    Top Risk for A/E Firms – Staffing

    A/E firms continue to have difficulty finding and hiring qualified staff that has caused problems and increasing risk. Based on risk assessments the highest risk category and driver of claims is staffing. This session describes the risk assessment process, higher risk disciplines, project types, and the operational and business practices leading to claims. 

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  • Is That a Go or No/Go?

    Is That a Go or No/Go?

    With 70% of claims filed against design firms coming from the Owner, the person who hired you, every firm should have a Go No/Go process for selecting clients and projects that aligns with business objectives. This program identifies methods for selecting good clients, and projects that in return reduces the chance of litigation and improves performance and profitability. 

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